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Crown Agents is rapidly and safely supplying COVID-19 vaccines internationally

When COVID-19 first hit, Crown Agents supported over 50 countries to respond to the needs of their citizens by supplying critical medical items. As the world moves into the next stage of COVID-19 response, we are supporting governments across the globe to rapidly procure and deliver the COVID-19 vaccine.

Crown Agents has already successfully navigated complex logistical challenges and delivered doses to numerous British Overseas Territories.

We are also continuing our support to the Government of Ukraine throughout the pandemic. Since 2016, our procurement of medical drugs has saved the Ministry of Health Ukraine $62 million.  Now, Crown Agents has been nominated as the Ministry’s procurement agent for the COVID-19 vaccine and will be purchasing essential doses to help stop the spread of the virus.

Our holistic lab-to-jab offering

From our experience supplying medicines to conflict zones and from shipping millions of items around the world during emergencies, we know that purchasing the vaccine is only half the struggle. Getting it to beneficiaries is another story, with numerous risks. Crown Agents is unique in that we not only procure and supply the vaccine, we offer a holistic ‘lab to jab’ solution to COVID-19 vaccine distribution. From campaign planning, to mobilising the workforce, to tracking and results measurement, we have the capabilities to support you at every stage of the distribution process. Find out more through our brochure.

Procurement, distribution, logistics, vaccines, warehousing, campaign planning, mobilising workforce, tracking, results, vaccine

Partner with an organisation that has been trusted to deliver 24/7 throughout the pandemic

Throughout the pandemic we were trusted by donors and governments to procure and deliver PPE, diagnostic tests and other COVID-19 related items across the globe.

Leveraging the expertise of our supply chain professionals and a network of reliable suppliers, medical supplies and equipment were successfully sourced, contracted and quality-assured, despite unprecedented global demand.

Using extensive supply chain mapping and contingency planning to mitigate challenges caused by a withdrawal of international air services, supplies were shipped to hard-to-reach destinations, miles from the UK, without delay.

We have successfully met all our clients’ needs in a complex and high demand market, favouring sellers. Now, we are ready to scale up to support you.

Get in contact with our experts

Our experts can provide you with a detailed outline of how we can support your unique needs. If you would like to discuss procurement and supply of the COVID-19 vaccine please use the details below:

Tim Runacre, Commercial Director

Call: +44 7776 464602

Steve Guppy, Director of Procurement

Call: +44 7887 421841