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21st September 2022

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When multiple stakeholders pull together, real change can happen: this is what Crown Agents’ procurement expert Giovanna Riggall has learned through giving over 25,000 patients access to solar energy in Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs) across Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Currently in Sub-Saharan Africa, 600 million people are without electricity provision and around 30% of all health facilities lack access to energy. Access to energy is a key driver for basic economic activity, productivity and ultimately poverty reduction, and is rightly Sustainable Development Goal Seven: access to affordable, clean, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.


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In Nigeria, energy provision is a persistent problem in many remote regions, and has become a focus for the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) in recent years.

We know from years of experience that generic solutions do not work in fragile environments where systems are broken or not in place, this makes the aim of providing energy access in the remote areas of Kaduna an ambitious one. Kaduna state is a volatile region affected by insecurity, making safety a key concern in the task of providing solar to remote healthcare facilities. Infrastructure was also a real challenge, with poor road conditions making the transportation of containers difficult. Combining our knowledge and supply chain expertise, we were able to offer the programme a vital understanding of tackling these challenges in order to successfully deliver the resources required to bring solar energy to Kaduna.


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An agile approach

A focus on resilience was central to delivering solar to the people who need it most due to the range of social and technical challenges encountered. A flexible approach tailored to each context ensured that we were continuously adaptive throughout, driven by thought leadership and a deep commitment to transparency at all times. This helped to ensure risk was anticipated and the right measures put in place so that we delivered the necessary resources despite a constantly shifting timetable.

Our role involved the implementation of end-to-end supply chain activities, ranging from the initial needs assessment and system design, to the sourcing, production and shipment of all components, including final mile delivery to each site. The scope of works included the installation of the photovoltaic (PV) solar components that would generate sustainable energy for the State.

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It is this agile approach which sets us apart as a supply chain leader, successfully implementing large-scale, often donor-funded projects throughout the developing world.

It is this agile approach which sets us apart as a supply chain leader, successfully implementing large-scale, often donor-funded projects throughout the developing world.

“This is a pull quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”

​The key to success in a challenging context such as Kaduna is listening to your stakeholders vision. Contractors joined efforts as one united team, committed to realising DFID’s goals for improving energy access Kaduna State. Under our direction, contractors such as Sunco Energy SL, Emone Energy Solutions Inc and Banksome LIkusasa Nigeria Ltd worked tremendously hard in the months leading up to our ambitious switch-on date. Pulling together meant we were able to complete the delivery and installation of all solar systems in less than two months.

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Caption goes here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod.

“This is a pull quote with image background. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”

Calling upon GSC’s local knowledge and expertise of delivering many large-scale projects throughout Nigeria, we could count on a reliable, on-time delivery service of 168 containers with mitigated risk of any losses or theft of equipment on route to final destinations. GSC was an integral component in the supply chain and a key player in the success of this project.

The new year will bring clean energy-generating capacity 24/7 to remote health centres across Kaduna State. Thanks to the dedication and collective effort of a diverse set of partners, over 25,000 people have benefited from improved access to energy.

This blog first appeared on our Medium page.