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Training course

The Analysis and Reporting Toolkit /

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This two-week programme combines:
Business Writing with Impact: 05 days
Data and Statistical Analysis and Presentation: 05 days

Managers working in all disciplines now need sufficient data and statistical skills to intelligently gather, analyse, interpret and utilise data to drive decisions. Equally, their written communications are often used as the basis for critical decision making and can have far-reaching consequences. Being able to provide clear, concise and well thought-through written communications and data analysis is a highly valuable skill and an important tool for career advancement.

This hands-on combination course will explore how to effectively analyse data and approach problem-solving from a statistics perspective, as well as examining all stages of how to write effectively in the business context. Delegates will learn simple data analysis and statistical skills, mining Big Data, and how to effectively present information and draw conclusions for enhanced decision making.

Delegates will also explore how to devise a clear plan, having identified what needs to be communicated, decide the most effective structure and write reports that are relevant, concise, coherent and compelling.

This course will cover key basic statistics – attendees do not require prior knowledge of statistics.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Identify how to extract organisational data and data sets
  • Use data and statistical analysis techniques and models
  • Present information and draw conclusions and recommendations from data analysis
  • Plan, structure and write with increased skill and confidence
  • Apply key writing techniques to achieve clear, concise and impactful language
  • Present your ideas with greater assurance and influence

Key Topics

  • Statistical thinking, decision making and strategic analysis
  • Organisational data sets, databases and data interrogation
  • Big Data and data mining
  • Data tools, what-if analysis and statistical functions
  • Overview of advanced statistical tools and applications and machine learning (AI)
  • Data presentation: graphical, tabular and descriptive summaries and conclusions
  • Tailoring presentations to the recipient’s needs
  • Identifying different types of business writing and the best format and structure
  • Structure and sentence construction – jargon busters
  • Design options: graphics, illustrations and presenting technical or specialist contents
  • The review and editing process

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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