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Training course

Business Writing With Impact /

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At some stage, all managers will be called on to write; this could be anything from a 500-page report or detailed business plan to an email.

These written communications are often used as the basis for critical decision making and can have far reaching consequences. Being able to provide clear, concise and well-thought-through written communications is a highly valuable skill and an important tool for career advancement.

Whether short or long, simple or complex, the principles of effective business writing are the same and can be learned.

This highly practical and hands-on course will cover all stages of how to write effectively in the business context. It looks at how to devise a clear plan having identified what needs to be communicated, decide the most effective structure and write sentences that communicate exactly what you want to say without padding or waffle.

At the end of the course you will present part of your work to your fellow delegates and receive constructive feedback.

This course is week one of The Writing and Presentation Skills Toolkit and The Analysis and Reporting Toolkit.

This course is also available as a three-day remote training delivery. Course fee: £1,295.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Plan, structure and write with increased skill and confidence
  • Deliver better writing, whatever the medium – including a focus on how to take clear and concise minutes
  • Understand key writing techniques to achieve clear and concise language that has an impact
  • Employ essential project management skills to work effectively and hit writing deadlines
  • Present your ideas with assurance

Key Topics

  • Identifying different types of business writing and the most effective format and structure
  • Improving structure and sentence construction and eliminating jargon
  • Design options – use of graphics, illustrations and presenting technical or specialist content
  • Finding the data you need for reports and presentations
  • The review and editing process

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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