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Training course

Capital Markets Masterclass for Banks – Master 2024 /

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For many decades, capital markets have provided the major developed economies with critical sources of long term financing for both governments, corporates and projects relating to the development of socio-economic infrastructure. They have enormously improved the productivity of these economies.

Banks have played pivotal roles in both the development and operation of capital markets. They have facilitated investors’ participation in corporate financing via debt securities structuring, arranging and market-making, as well as providing advisory services for firms listing their equity on stock exchanges.

This comprehensive programme provides delegates with key insights into the nature and functions of capital markets, including those traded over-the-counter (OTC) as well as via exchanges. In addition to the structuring, arranging, market-making and trading activities that banks carry out, the programme also covers the key middle and back-office functions in capital markets, including the critical role of custodian banks. It will also address the key considerations for banks providing investment products, as well as the ramifications of holding securities in its Trading Book from a risk and capital adequacy perspective.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Understand the nature and functions of debt and equity capital markets
  • Appreciate the roles that banks play in capital markets ecosystems
  • Identify key capital market user and investor constituencies
  • Assimilate the capital markets “value chain” and engagement with firms and investors
  • Assess the different roles played by banks in OTC vis-à-vis exchange-traded markets
  • Identify required HR and systems capacities effective capital markets participation
  • Analyse the implications of investment product development and marketing
  • Understand the capital impact of holding securities for trading on the balance sheet

Key Topics

  • Roles of banks in capital markets as complements to core lending activities
  • Nature and operation of debt and equity capital markets
  • Government, corporate and project developer users of capital markets
  • Principal domestic and overseas investor constituencies

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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