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Training course

Data and Statistical Analysis and Presentation /

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Organisations need to continually improve their service delivery and competitiveness. In an age where there is a huge diversity of data available, it is increasingly expected that data will form the basis of strategic thinking and decision making. Managers working in all disciplines now need sufficient data and statistical skills to intelligently gather, analyse, interpret and utilise data to drive those decisions.

This highly practical programme will equip delegates with the key skills to effectively analyse data and approach problem-solving from a statistics perspective. You will explore how to use statistics to improve processes in order to understand the intricacies of the challenges your organisation faces. Delegates will be equipped with an understanding of the simple quantitative skills needed to draw conclusions from organisational data sets, how to mine Big Data, and how to effectively present information and findings as well as conclusions and recommendations, according to recipient’s needs. This course includes hands-on, practical work in data entry and the creation of simple statistical models.

This course will cover key basic statistics – attendees do not require prior knowledge of statistics.

This course is week two of The Analysis and Reporting Toolkit.

This course is also available as a three-day remote training delivery. Course fee: £1,295.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Understand where data and statistical analysis is most useful
  • Articulate organisational problems and questions for further research
  • Identify how to extract organisational data and data sets
  • Apply key data and statistical analysis techniques
  • Create simple statistical models to support enhanced decision making
  • Present information and draw conclusions and recommendations from data analysis

Key Topics

  • Statistical thinking, decision making and strategic analysis
  • Organisational data, databases, data sets and types of data
  • Data interrogation: connect, transform and query data
  • Big Data and data mining
  • Using data tools and what-if analysis
  • Key business statistics and statistical functions using MS Excel tools
  • Overview of advanced statistical tools and applications and their capabilities and outputs
  • Machine learning (artificial intelligence)
  • Data presentation: turning data into meaningful management information
  • Tailoring presentations to the recipient’s needs

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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