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Training course

Electronic Government Procurement: Strategy and Implementation – Africa /

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Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) systems have become an integral component of procurement reform for governments around the world as they move to institute efficient and transparent procurement systems that address issues of corruption.

These systems can deliver significant efficiency gains and financial savings for governments while enabling the provision of improved citizen services. The World Bank and all major donors are strong supporters of e-GP roll-out.

This course identifies how paper-based public procurement systems can be transformed using e-GP, demonstrating how it can be used to optimise procurement performance and reduce bureaucracy for bidders by exploiting powerful ICT tools.

An essential course for all practitioners looking to introduce or improve an e-GP system.

Delegates receive one year’s affiliate membership of CIPS.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Describe the end-to-end e-GP system model
  • Assess your e-GP readiness and choose between standard or tailor-made systems
  • Articulate e-GP business benefits and KPIs and develop an e-GP strategy
  • Apply good practice change management to an e-GP project
  • Plan effectively for an e-GP implementation and manage key risks and benefits realisation
  • Integrate e-GP with financial management systems (IFMIS)
  • Procure an e-GP system provider and assess supplier performance
  • Help tackle mistakes, irregularities and fraud using your e-GP system

Key Topics

  • Understanding the key concepts of e-GP
  • Assessing your readiness to adopt e-GP and creating a strategy
  • Aligning business, e-GP and e-Government strategy
  • Planning the procurement of an e-GP system and ensuring sustainability
  • ICT and e-GP foundations
  • Risks, governance and legal frameworks
  • System integration and modification
  • e-GP system procurement
  • Open Contracting and the Open Contracting Data Standard
  • Compliance and complaints management

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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