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Training course

Group Facilitation and Training Skills for Managers /

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Group facilitation and training skills are now recognised as central skills of any modern-day manager or leader. Both are powerful ways to identify and address problems, opportunities and the needs of individuals and teams, and to motivate staff to enhance learning and performance.

This highly practical course will explore the broad range of situations where these activities or interventions can be effectively deployed, to advance the objectives of the team, department or organisation. Technical staff or managers who are not professional or full-time facilitators or trainers, will benefit immensely from this course.

The programme will examine the essence of good group facilitation and build confidence in leading any group facilitated session. It will help you design and deliver short training sessions that are highly-interactive and engaging and which will meet group and individual learning objectives.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Appreciate the range of situations where group facilitation and training can be highly effective activities
  • Design a group facilitation session based on your own work situation or issue
  • Deliver a flexible group facilitation session that address the target problem or opportunity
  • Design a short training session based on your own work situation or issue
  • Deliver a highly participative training session that meets stated learning objectives
  • Assess the effectiveness of group facilitated sessions and trainings

Key Topics

  • Facilitation versus training - approaches, process, tools and techniques
  • Key communication skills
  • Analysing a problem, opportunity or learning need situation
  • Designing a group facilitated session
  • Leading a group facilitated session
  • Designing a training session
  • Delivering an interactive training session
  • Evaluating a session’s effectiveness

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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