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Training course

Public Financial Management: Issues and Solutions /

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Public financial management (PFM) systems are essential for the achievement of government policy and development objectives.

This course explores the fundamentals of government reforms and the key issues and solutions across the PFM landscape. This includes budget preparation and execution; accounting; financial reporting and trends towards results-based performance measurement; integrated financial management information systems (IFMIS) and auditing.

Delegates will also explore the important management theories and strategic planning frameworks essential to understanding the current issues and trends in integrated PFM reforms.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Lead or participate in developing solutions to contemporary PFM challenges
  • Define the benefits of Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) reforms and budget processes and assist in the realisation of these benefits
  • Execute budgets and understand cash management, public procurement and internal controls so as to help raise transparency and reduce ‘leakage’
  • Improve PFM compliance by taking account of developments in public sector financial reporting standards
  • Define the PFM oversight function, the role of the Public Accounts Committee and external audit agencies
  • Shape reforms to address deficiencies in transparency and accountability frameworks

Key Topics

  • Overview of PFM and origins of PFM reforms
  • Public sector budgeting and the concept of programme and performance budgeting
  • Overview of MTEF and linkages with policy objectives
  • Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA)
  • Service delivery and performance management in the public sector
  • Budget implementation, cash management and forecasting
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Financial accounting and reporting
  • Integrated Financial Management Information Systems
  • Governance and fraud prevention

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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