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Training course

Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation /

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2020 dates for this course are available to book here.

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) provides a framework for effective measurement of results for both private and public sector entities.

These frameworks provide a new set of tools, complementary to traditional results measurement systems, that offer governments and organisations new methods for ensuring the achievement of their strategic, policy and project goals.

Results-Based M&E (RBM&E) enables the public sector to focus its efforts on monitoring performance rather than just spending, and on evaluating long term results rather than short term outputs.

For the private sector, an RBM&E system allows management to make efficient ongoing assessments about progress towards attainment of the goals and objectives of their organisation and their stakeholders.

This course will equip participants with the knowledge to understand where and how M&E fits within the organisational or national framework, and the strategies required for its successful design, build and integration.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Understand the essentials of M&E, how to design and implement an M&E system and the factors involved in setting up an M&E unit
  • Know where and how M&E fits within the organisational or national framework and strategies for successful integration
  • Set up a database to collect, analyse, interpret and report on performance
  • Design monitoring systems incorporating routine and ad-hoc data collection and reporting techniques
  • Set objectives and design performance indicators and apply M&E techniques to the measurement of outcomes
  • Design and implement a computerised M&E database information system
  • Create and deliver outcome focused data-based reports that provide value-for-money solutions

Key Topics

  • From traditional financial reporting towards results-based performance management
  • RBM&E methods and performance indicators
  • Building a national M&E system or organisational M&E unit
  • M&E for improvements in value for money
  • Computerised M&E and database management systems
  • Logic Models; baselines; data sources; designing performance indicators
  • Evaluation, Impact Assessments, reporting and making recommendations

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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