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Training course

The Agile Manager /

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The role of managers in senior and executive positions is evolving. To be successful in today’s organisation, you must be able to adapt and respond quickly to the changing needs and wants of your team. Flexibility, compassion and agility are therefore key attributes of an effective and authentic manager.

This programme will help you become a more successful 21st century manager and raise your profile and credibility within your organisation. It focuses on the skills and attributes needed to achieve a balance between delivering results, creating a high performing team and developing and nurturing the individuals within that team for optimum performance.

This is week one of The Agile People and Project Manager Toolkit.

This course is also available as a three-day remote training delivery. Course fee: £1,295.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Understand your own preferred style of management and the impact it has on your team
  • Be a change agent: recognise and manage the impact of change on you and your team
  • Use powerful communication strategies and skills to empower and support personal development
  • Manage your team to achieve enhanced performance and timely results
  • Deal swiftly with performance situations and behaviours

Key Topics

  • Identifying various management styles and how they impact in different environments
  • Managing change within oneself and for the team
  • Team development and the role of the team leader
  • Communication skills, attitude and behaviours
  • Performance management – balancing team, task and individual needs
  • Looking ahead – difference between management and leadership

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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