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Training course

The Agile People and Project Manager Toolkit /

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This two-week programme combines:
The Agile Manager: 05 days
The Agile Project Manager (APMG AgilePM® Certificate): 05 days

To be successful in today’s organisation, you must be able to adapt and respond quickly to the changing needs and wants of your team and deliver projects in an agile way. Flexibility, compassion and agility are key attributes of an effective manager. On the other hand, focus, adaptability, collaboration, communication, control, empowerment, risk management and governance are all key themes of a modern-day project.

This programme will help you to balance these demands and become a more successful 21st century manager. In week one, delegates will cover the skills and attributes needed to develop high performing teams and individuals. The second week will focus on the principles, people, processes, products and practices of the Agile Project Management Framework, and the tools and techniques of the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM).

Crown Agents is in the process of applying to become an APMG Accredited Training Organisation (ATO) – this course is subject to successful application. This course covers the syllabus of the APMG International AgilePM® Foundation certificate. Delegates will take the Foundation exam through APMG International.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Understand your own preferred style of management and the impact it has on your team
  • Be a change agent and employ powerful communication strategies and skills
  • Deliver quicker, cost-effective and low risk change on an Agile project
  • Apply the DSDM approach to projects and daily activities
  • Apply and tailor management styles for Agile projects

Key Topics

  • Management styles and their impact
  • Managing change within oneself and for the team
  • Communication skills, attitudes and behaviours
  • Performance management – balancing team, task and individual needs
  • Traditional project management – constraints and disciplines
  • Agile project principles, life cycle processes and products
  • Agile project roles and responsibilities
  • DSDM practices, tools and techniques

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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