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Training course

The Effective Negotiator /

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Negotiation skills are used extensively in many areas of work and personal life, and are considered to be both a science and an art form; they are crucial skills that can be learnt, honed and put to great effect. This course will significantly enhance your effectiveness in any given negotiation situation, providing a ‘win-win’ to the parties concerned whilst harnessing healthy and sustainable stakeholder relationships.

You will learn the essential process, skills, tools and techniques that can be used in any negotiation situation.

This course examines how to assess and anticipate the other party’s position and target outcomes and objectives, how to plan an effective negotiation strategy, the art of deploying the right tactics and what it takes to create and maintain a conducive atmosphere for negotiations to succeed, even when they may be drawn-out or particularly challenging.

This course is also available as a three-day remote training delivery. Course fee: £1,295.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Define your negotiation objectives and plan an effective negotiation
  • Set up a positive environment for conducive negotiations
  • Conduct a negotiation in line with your strategy
  • Adjust tactics in a negotiation to achieve the best outcome
  • Learn lessons for continuous improvement of negotiation skills

Key Topics

  • Situations that call for negotiations
  • Negotiation outcomes and why a ‘win-win’ outcome is desirable
  • The process of conducting a negotiation
  • Analysing a negotiating party’s target outcome and objectives
  • Negotiator types and common characteristics
  • Planning your strategy and your negotiation team
  • Assessing, valuing and prioritising wants and needs
  • Options and tactics towards mutual satisfaction and a win-win outcome
  • Setting and maintaining positive relations
  • Assessing progress and adjusting a negotiation stance
  • Pausing, terminating or withdrawing from a negotiation
  • Celebrating success and learning lessons for next time

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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