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Training course

The Public Procurement Toolkit: Sustainability, Integrity and Value-for-Money – Master 2024 /

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This two-week programme combines:

Sustainable Public Procurement: Strategy, Policy and Practice: 05 days
Integrity and Value-for-Money in Public Procurement: 05 days

This comprehensive and hands-on programme will equip you with the skills to address urgent and strategic priorities in public procurement – embedding sustainability, integrity and value for money into procurement policy and practice. It will help you to maximise the impact of budgets whilst meeting the environmental, social and economic goals of your organisation and government.

Week one will provide procurement practitioners with the tools and techniques to effectively plan and implement sustainable approaches to sustainable public procurement (SPP). Delegates will explore how to plan and implement a SPP strategy, considering the context of their own organisation.

Transparent, ethical and value-for-money procurement is also recognised as a vital tool to maximise the impact of budgets and achieve organisational goals. In week two, the focus will therefore be on the tools needed to take a proactive lead in securing value-for-money and improving integrity across both the public and private sectors.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Identify social, economic and environmental goals relevant to your procurement portfolio
  • Create an SPP policy and strategy
  • Plan and apply SPP approaches in your organisation
  • Implement SPP throughout the procurement cycle
  • Develop systems for assessing and maximising value-for-money
  • Design and implement a transparent and ethical procurement system focused on achieving best value
  • Develop corruption mitigation strategies and controls

Key Topics

  • Exploring how SPP differs from traditional public procurement
  • Understanding how SPP strategies can be used to support economic, social and environmental goals
  • Defining legal frameworks for SPP and SPP policies
  • Managing contracts with sustainability clauses
  • Assessing and improving value-for-money
  • Developing leadership and communication skills to improve integrity in the workplace
  • Vulnerability assessment and procurement risk management
  • Understanding eProcurement’s contribution to integrity and value-for-money

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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