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Training course

The Writing and Presentations Skills Toolkit /

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This two-week programme combines:
Business Writing with Impact: 05 days
Writing and Delivering Speeches and Presentations with Impact: 05 days

The art of rhetoric remains one of the most important modes of persuasion and influence, while written communications are often the basis for critical business decisions. The Writing and Presentations Skills Toolkit combines two specialist programmes and is designed to give you the skills and confidence needed to write and deliver speeches, presentations and business reports essential to your organisation and career development.

These two weeks will equip delegates with the tools needed to write concise and compelling business copy in any format and deliver speeches or presentations that engage and convince your audience.

In week one, delegates will be guided through the process of writing within a business context, including planning, structure, style and common English-language pitfalls. In week two, the focus is on the writing and delivery of speeches and presentations.

The programme will culminate in a practical exercise, drawing upon the skills learned throughout the two weeks; delegates will write and present a presentation or speech which will be videoed and given a professional and constructive critique.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Plan, structure and write with increased skill and confidence, whatever the subject or delivery method (including meeting minutes)
  • Understand key writing techniques that achieve clear and concise language that delivers with impact
  • Tackle difficult questions with fluency and avoid classic traps and pitfalls
  • Employ essential project management skills to work effectively and hit deadlines
  • Overcome nerves to present with authority and clarity

Key Topics

  • Identifying different types of business writing and the best format and structure
  • Structure and sentence construction, best use of English and jargon busters
  • Writing captivating and memorable speeches and presentations
  • Delivering speeches and presentations that influence and engage your audience

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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