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Training course

Translating Policy into Legislation /

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2020 dates for this course are available to book here.

This programme delivers an overview of the analytical skills needed to convert policy into comprehensible and legally enforceable legislation. It gives an insight into the techniques needed to draft and structure legislation that meets that standard.

It is designed both for the policy maker who needs to instruct drafters on the preparation of legislation, and for the legislative drafter who needs to actually translate that policy.

For policy makers, it is important to understand the job of the legislative drafter and what he or she needs to know, so as to reduce the time spent on clarification.

For drafters, the programme will assist in the production of rules that are not only readily understandable, but are also workable and capable of being enforced.

The instruction is practical and interactive, and participants will be able to put the translation process into practice by undertaking written exercises, which will be assessed in a supportive feedback session.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Understand the stages of the legislative process
  • For the policy-makers: be aware of policy from a legislative drafter’s viewpoint
  • For the drafters: analyse policy for the purposes of drafting legislation
  • Apply the skills learned in practical writing class and written exercises

Key Topics

  • How to follow the stages of the legislative process
  • Analysis of policy for the purposes of drafting legislation
  • Effective legislative language: Using plain English and avoiding jargon

Attend after Developing Effective Policies: Analysis, Evidence and Impact to complete The Policy Toolkit in June.

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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