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Training course

World-class Risk Based Internal Auditing /

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In this era of governance and regulation, the importance of a world-class internal audit function operating as a professional, independent and competent third line of defence is imperative to providing assurances and advice over governance, risk management and internal control. These vital processes add value and help safeguard sustainable success for the organisation and its stakeholders.

Modern world-class internal audit is not only risk based but also systematic, forward-looking and innovative in order to meet the ever-changing needs of the global business and risk environment. The modern internal audit function needs to fulfil traditional audit activities as well as becoming far more agile to align more closely to the organisation’s strategic objectives, risks, changing priorities and emerging issues.

This practical and interactive course will equip internal audit leaders, managers and practitioners to meet these challenges and hone their knowledge, expertise and practical skills in the critical areas of governance, risk and compliance management and internal control.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Identify the requirements of a modern third line of defence internal audit function that works to international standards
  • Understand the concepts of governance, risk management and control, and be able to audit them
  • Define integrated assurance and how to develop effective plans for audit work
  • Undertake audits in a computerised and change environment
  • Implement the principles and practices of risk-based, agile and analytical auditing
  • Design and implement a quality assurance and continuous improvement framework

Key Topics

  • Global internal auditing standards
  • Governance, risk management and internal control
  • Three lines of defence
  • Concepts of audit and assurance
  • Approaches to and methodologies of internal audit
  • Establishing and leading an internal audit function
  • Integrated assurance and mapping and planning internal audit work
  • Agile and value adding auditing practices, tools and techniques
  • Auditing in a computerised and changing environment
  • Effective engagement, communication and reporting

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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