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Crown Agents COVID-19 Response

Our CEO, Fergus Drake, talks to the BBC about Crown Agents procurement response during COVID-19. Click the picture to view.

Crown Agents is uniquely placed to respond to COVID-19. With our global footprint, existing health and humanitarian programmes, specialist supply chain capabilities and decades of experience working alongside governments, we are able to scale up to support our clients.

We are already working with over 45 countries to help them respond to the medical needs of their citizens. To date, we have procured and delivered thousands of shipments, including over 625,000KGs of medical equipment and supplies.

Now, as the world enters the vaccination stage of response, Crown Agents is once again stepping up to support governments and donors. We are already internationally shipping the COVID-19 vaccines to hard-to-reach locations.

Click the tabs on the right hand side to view our offerings or get in contact below.

Get in contact with our experts

Our experts can provide you with a detailed outline of how we can support your unique needs. If you would like to discuss procurement and supply of the COVID-19 vaccine please use the details below:

Tim Runacre, Commercial Director

Call: +44 7776 464602

Steve Guppy, Director of Procurement

Call: +44 7887 421841