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Results based financing for healthcare in Zimbabwe /

  • 2 million more children having their growth monitored each year /
  • Over 900 health facilities trained in data management /
  • 130,000 more women receiving antenatal care services per year /

Improving health outcomes using results-based financing (RBF)

Crown Agents is implementing the RBF programme, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC), in 42 rural districts in Zimbabwe since 2014. The programme is supported by the Health Transition Fund and now the Health Development Fund (HDF), covering 830 rural health facilities with an estimated total catchment area population of 6.6 million. Supported by the World Bank, Cordaid is implementing in 18 districts to ensure the whole country is covered.

Our approach:

  • Contracting not-for-profit health facilities, provincial and district health executives and community-based organisations to deliver specified services
  • Verifying the delivery of these services, including quantitative and qualitative checks
  • Paying out against the contracts
  • Building the capacity of the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) in RBF operations at all levels
  • Zimbabwean nurse taking down someone's details.Ongoing evaluation of the RBF model, including identification of possible improvements

Crown Agents has been awarded the 5-year contract from 2016-2020 to continue implementing RBF under the Health Development Fund.

Read more in our June 2018 report below.