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Saving Lives in Sierra Leone Phase II /

Crown Agents is delivering one of Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s (FCDO) flagship health programmes in Sierra Leone as part of a public health consortium. The Saving Lives Phase II programme supports the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) to save the lives of women and children by improving the quality, availability and accessibility of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child health and nutrition services.

Commitment to building resilient systems
As supply chain lead for the Savings Lives Phase II programme, Crown Agents supports the GoSL to improve its capacity to regularly deliver appropriate drugs and medical supplies to public health facilities. Our project team has provided technical advisory and operational assistance for the:

  • establishment of the National Medical Supply Agency (NMSA)
  • distribution of free healthcare initiative supplies
  • alignment of public health expenditure with the national budget.

Our approach
We have built upon best-practice methods proven to yield optimum results in logistically challenging environments. We implement innovative and cost-saving systems and approaches through hands-on leadership training and supply chain technical support. We support workforce capacity development across all core supply chain functions at DDMS and NMSA in operating with performance-based and results-focused processes as they align with individual, directorate and corporate KPIs.

Our approach ensures DDMS and NMSA staff at both central and district levels have the capacity, capability and accountability to execute tasks appropriately; and that there are systems, processes and tools in place to enable individuals and teams to function effectively.

Programme successes

  • Over 6400m3 of free healthcare drugs distributed in 2019
  • Over £5 million disbursed towards improving public health outcomes
  • Full operationalisation of the NMSA board
  • Development of Procurement Manual and standard procurement documentation
  • Developing and implementing new quantification methodologies and undertaking a successful 2020/21 quantification exercise with DDMS and NMSA
  • Pilot testing a different last mile delivery system that will be more cost effective and provide improved process quality and protect pharmaceutical products from contamination and exposure
  • Strengthening of supply chain data management and reporting by the DHIS2 system implemented by the GoSL