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Supporting the delivery of clean energy – Jebba Hydro Power Station overhaul and repair /


In our capacity as appointed procurement agent for the Government of Japan’s ODA programmes we provided procurement and management services to the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for an overall spend of JPY1.99 billion under the Grant provided for emergency repair and overhaul of turbines at the Jebba Hydro Plant.

The Jebba plant is situated on the Niger river and  provides a total of 578.4 MW, representing 15% of Nigeria’s gross power production.

Powering Nigeria’s future with clean energy

On behalf of the Government of Nigeria and Mainstream Energy Solution Limited (MESL) we successfully procured consultant engineering services to define the necessary repair and civil works. This included the provision and installation of stator core and coil, rotor pole and rim support equipment to ensure that the production capacity was restored as soon as possible, and that for the foreseeable future this key clean energy provider for Nigeria’s growing economy.