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TANSIQ in Iraq /

Supporting the Iraqi Government to better tackle terrorism

Between 2015-2018, the TANSIQ (Support the Development of Human Rights-Compliant Counter Terrorism Strategy, Legislation and Coordination Measures in Iraq) programme developed the capability of the Iraqi government to respond coherently, inclusively and efficiently to terrorism threats and challenges.

Building trust in the intelligence community

Our technical experts carried out stakeholder mapping and relationship building activities with Iraqi government officials, attaining feedback on the government’s delivery plans and learning how and why the approaches of previous implementers had failed to improve the coordination of information.

Our approach

  • Working closely with the Government of Iraq and across all six Iraqi intelligence agencies
  •  Lesson-learning to ensure the existing feedback mechanism has increased the programme’s adaptability and flexibility

“One of the most successful international support programs provided to the Iraqi Security sector”

Senior Iraqi National Security Adviser