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Customised training programmes

When delivering customised training programmes, we work closely with our clients to establish a detailed knowledge of their specific issues and what they want to achieve. We then design tailored solutions that can be delivered whenever and wherever suits the client’s requirements.

We have designed and implemented customised training programmes for governments and organisations all over the world.

Our customised training programmes can be tailored to fit the client’s exact needs and we can adapt any content to their unique business or cultural context. This means that we can deliver customised programmes at a time and in a location that suits the client, whether this be in their home country or abroad. This method often results in significant savings for our clients on travel and accommodation and is a cost-effective way to train groups of staff.

Our customised programmes are often sponsored by major international donors and institutions such as the World Bank, African Development Bank, United Nations, USAID and GIZ. We can follow established donor procurement processes and even support clients to identify and secure this funding.

  • 4,000 – We have trained over 4,000 National Bank of Ethiopia and Commercial Bank of Ethiopia staff in management and technical financial services
  • 500 – We have delivered export and trade training to more than 500 European small businesses
  • 250 – In partnership with the UN, we have supported over 250 Procurement and Contract Managers working to rebuild Iraq
  • 72,000 – Our capacity building with the Government of Rwanda is rolling out to train over 72,000 smallholder farmers

In 2020, due to the global travel restrictions caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, we expanded our remote training capacity to be able to offer customised online training courses for organisations around the world. Through our high-quality digital training offer we were able to meet our client’s capacity building needs even when we weren’t able to meet them face-to-face.