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Our customised projects

We have designed and implemented customised training programmes for governments and organisations all over the world. Our customised courses can be tailored to your business context, and we are able to deliver training on a vast range of subjects to suit our client’s needs and requirements.

Customised courses can be based on our open scheduled courses, or created specifically to fill a training need in your organisation; we work closely with you to establish a detailed knowledge of what you require from the training and how we can help you to achieve this.

Customised training programmes

Some of our recent customised programmes include:

Leadership, Management and Development:

Advanced Negotiation and Meeting Management
Attitudinal Change
Developing High Performing Teams
Executive Leadership in Action
Inspirational Leadership

Governance and Strategy:

Advanced IT Audit
Corporate Governance for Boards
Strategic Management and Business Planning
Corporate Governance and Change Management for Parliaments
Governance, Risk and Compliance Masterclass

Human Resources:

Best Practices in HR Management
Train the Trainer

Financial Management:

Advanced Public Financial Management
Asset and Liability Management
Best Practice in Financial Management and Reporting on IPSAS and IFRS® Standards
Foreign Trade Finance
Forensic Investigation of Fraud and Fiduciary Management

Financial Services and Pensions:

Managing Pensions: Essentials for Trustees
Pension Scheme Governance and Regulation
Risk Management in Banks and Financial Services
Economic and Financial Justification and Value-for-Money Analysis
Insurance and Security Management

Project Management and Evaluation:

Better Project and Contract Management Practices
Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Policies and Programmes
Project Management of Development Projects (Including PMD Pro Level 1)
Project Management Skills
Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation

Procurement and Supply Chain:

Monitoring, Evaluation and Audit of Procurement Performance
Pharmaceutical Supply Chain, Cold Chain and Logistics
Procurement Management for Large Civil Works
Procurement Risk Management
Advanced Contract Management Skills

Government, Policy and Justice:

Anti-Metals Smuggling
UK Government Approaches to Long-term Planning

Communications and Marketing:

Communication Skills and Customer Relationship Management
Report Writing Skills in Project and Contract Management
Writing and Delivering Speeches with Impact

This is just a snapshot of our recent customised programmes. For more information, and to discus your unique capacity-building requirements, please contact us.